Watch how you can quit smoking in 25 days

Are you ready to quit smoking?

Quit smoking the easy way with our all-natural, nicotine-free oral troche (lozenge). It is 100% natural and it is manufactured right here in Australia.

When you choose Quit4Good to help you quit smoking you get the peace of mind knowing:

We have helped thousands of clients quit smoking... for good!

This an all-natural, nicotine-free product.

You may stop smoking after 5 days and quit for good after 25 days!*

What Quit4Good Customers have to say...

"I was a smoker of 50 cigarettes/ day for more than 40 years and stopped smoking 3 years ago by using Quit 4 Good. Two of my adult children Marina and Daniel also stopped smoking more than a year ago using Quit 4 Good."
Jerry, Rooty Hill, NSW
"At 62 years old I have finally celebrated my 3rd year as a non smoker thanks to Quit 4 Good oral strips. I had tried everything, spent literally 1000's of dollars, I even flew to QLD for hypnosis and nothing else worked for me. Thank you Quit 4 Good."
Sue, Miller, NSW

*Results may vary from person to person

Why Quit4Good is the right solution for you to quit smoking...

Save Money

On average a smoker will smoke between 15 to 35 cigarettes per day. At $35.00 per packet that equals $7644.00 per year. If you have smoked for 25 years, the total money you invested on something that could kill you is $191,100.00.

Health Insurance Rebates

Did you know that many health insurance providers offer a rebate for Quit4Good?

Click here to find out more.

It Works!

We have helped thousands of Australians quit smoking, many of whom had tried other forms of quit smoking products with little or no success. In fact 87% of those who buy Quit4Good have tried something else first.
* Results calculated via client purchase survey 2012-2017

Reduced Cravings

Most users experience a rapid decrease in Nicotine cravings, or desire to smoke, and an undesirable taste from smoking while on the medication.

Oral Troche (Lozenge) Technology

Unlike tablets, our oral troches are absorbed by the saliva in the mouth. This allows absorption of the medication directly into the blood stream, bypassing the digestive system.

Australian Made.
Australian Owned.

Quit4Good Pty Ltd is an Australian owned and operated business that helps Australian's promote wellbeing and health. The product was developed in Australia, and continues to be manufactured in Sydney, NSW.

Do you have any Questions? Would you like us to call you?

Call us on 1300 038 674 or request a call back

There is never a perfect time to quit smoking... but there is a right time!


There is no such thing as the perfect time to quit smoking. It simply does not exist. The longer you delay the decision the higher the cost both financially and on your own health.

In tobacco smoke there is more than 4,000 chemicals and many are known to cause serious disease and damage to nearly every organ in the body. Smoking is responsible for nearly 20% of all deaths and one of the main causes of cancer. ​

It may not be the perfect time to quit, but it is the right time.